Plug and Play

I have just removed the very old, very slow PC from my desktop. I have replaced it with the Chromebox I talked about in my last bloq. I was using my Chromebox on borrowed kit. The mouse and keyboard were my son's from the PC we built together for his Christmas present. He was keen to build one for himself and I thought it would be a good experience.

So here I am with many years in front of new windows machines planning to set up my first ever Chromebox.

I am not a technical person. I have picked up bits as you muddle along form error message to error message but not very technical. 

I don't know why I told you that because it made no difference.

I inserted batteries into wireless keyboard and mouse, inserted wireless dongles, and the video lead between Chromebox and monitor and turned it on.

No. I didn't need to rush out ad fly a kite for an hour or so whilst software installed or configured. The machine was on and at the log in screen within 9 seconds. Fantastic!

I use Hangouts a lot so you would expect that the monitor I purchased had a camera built in - No. Senior moment at PC World. The web cam I purchased came with an install CD. Chromeboxes do not have CD drive. No worries. Plug the web cam in and that was it.

If you are reading this, you will probably know I work for C-Learning which is a cloud services company and that we are advocates for Chromebooks and Chromeboxes and all things cloud based but even I didn't expect to be so impressed with the ease of set up.


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